Worship With Us Sundays
We currently worship on Sunday at 4 PM in the First United Presbyterian Church, De Pere
Under the leadership of Pastor Dominic P Petit, our church embraces a journey of faith—to spread God’s biblical truth which will impact lives and change the world.
How long have you been a Global Methodist Church?
We officially opened Christ First Church as a new GMC church on Sunday, September 22, 2024.
Why do you use the Presbyterian church when you are a Global Methodist Church?
We will eventually find space of our own, but at the present time, the Presbyterian church has generously offered to share their facilities with us while we grow.
Why do you worship on Sunday nights instead of Sunday mornings?
Because we are sharing another church’s building, we needed to be flexible and work around their worship times.
What do I wear?
Come as you are. We want you to feel welcome.
What should I expect when I arrive?
You should expect to feel welcome. You should expect to feel the holy spirit. And you should expect to enjoy a bible-based message focused on the love of Jesus.
Is childcare available during worship?
We are working on offering childcare during worship.
How long is a service?
Service is typically one hour with an optional fellowship times following the worship.
As a visitor am I allowed to receive Communion?
Yes, the Global Methodist Church (GMC) practices open communion, meaning that anyone can receive communion when it’s offered. The GMC believes that the grace of God is available to all, and that no one is too unworthy to receive communion.
How do I get more involved in Christ First Church?
We’d love to have you join one of our committees or attend one of our events. Please feel free to reach out and we’ll match your interests and talents with our current needs. You can send us a message through the Contact Us page.
How do I get on your mailing list for more information?
Please click in the ‘Subscribe’ box below and add your email to our list and you will start receiving our monthly emailed communication.
How do I get more information about the Global Methodist Church?
You can learn more about our beliefs and governance by clicking on this link… https://globalmethodist.org/what-we-believe/